The Three Bananas of Crisis Communication
While the specifics of each situation will differ, a helpful framework for understanding and addressing crises involves the metaphor of three bananas: green, yellow, and brown.
While the specifics of each situation will differ, a helpful framework for understanding and addressing crises involves the metaphor of three bananas: green, yellow, and brown.
Given the right circumstances, the transition from journalist to school district communicator can be seamless. While journalists possess strong writing and storytelling skills, it’s important to recognize that the role of a school district communicator extends far beyond traditional journalism. Media relations, though important, are often just a small part of the job. (This advice…
As superintendents and human resources professionals, you’re tasked with finding the right person to lead your district’s narrative. But how?
In addition to well-crafted talking points, school district leaders can also leverage the power of bridging statements to navigate challenging conversations. Bridging statements act as a bridge, allowing you to redirect the discussion back to your key messages and priorities. When faced with a difficult question or unexpected situation, a bridging statement might sound like…
Communication is the lifeblood of any school district, with superintendents and leaders serving as the vital conduits between administrators, teachers, students, families, and the broader community. In theory, overcommunication may be the key to transparency and engagement. However, in practice, a constant flood of information can overwhelm stakeholders. School superintendents and leaders must curate communication…
Communications directors in school districts often come from diverse backgrounds and might find themselves working alone in their roles. This isolation makes professional development crucial. That’s why we advocate for the necessity of training to superintendents; nurturing communication in educational leadership is important. Connecting these professionals with others in the field is vital, especially when…